About the Event
Put on your best traje (dress or suit), anything with polka dots and don't forget the flowers in your hair. Celebrate Spring like the Sevillanos do! Special guest artist showing/sales by Taj Mattingly and Amado Espinoza. Children 12 and under enter free with an adult. Remember that food options are included in your ticket choice! ¡Nos vemos alli!
12:00-12:30 Sevillanas class
12:30 First Paella serving (all other food choices do not have serving times, eat when you like :)
1:00 Student Performance
2:00 Second Paella Serving
2:30 Student Performance
3:00 Beau Bledsoe Performs
3:30 Final Performance with Beau Bledsoe, Antonio Rojas and Melinda Hedgecorth
Sevillanas music for everyone to dance!!
5:00 event ends. See you next Spring!
Tickets: https://www.45gradosflamenco.com/event-info/feria-de-kansas-2022-1